On a dying future Earth, former technologically enhanced enforcer Maece and her adopted sister, Saera, continue their secret battle against the authoritarian forces of the City of Tenebrae. Disavowed even by the resistance leadership, the two women battle both the city’s military and the nefarious ArtRep Corporation with only the help of a ragtag team of fellow freedom fighters.
The mission: stop Sulos, the head of ArtRep, from using a wormhole to cause the destruction of the Sun and Earth. Complicating the life-or-death mission, Maece and Saera and their friends continue to struggle with the personal repercussions of Maece’s decision to fake her own death in order to go undercover to gain information about Tenebrae and ArtRep.
Can the team set aside the emotional turmoil in order to take the fight to Sulos? Or will the cost of such an attack be more than the team can bear?
Publication date: August 28, 2018
Length: 330 (paperback)
Language: English
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