
Ah, yes… the about the author page. The place to reveal all the secrets of my exciting life. Unfortunately, there isn’t that much to tell.

As a kid, I could never figure out what I wanted to do with my life and honestly, I still don’t. I won’t bore you with all my levels of education, just know that one had to do with car mechanics and that I eventually ended up with a Bachelor of information and communication technology. With a degree in my pocket, I quit working for my Mom (delivering bread and pastries) and started at a semi-government agency. I’ve worked for their IT department in one way or another for the past ten years. Because I still work there, I should probably leave it at that;)

Writing came pretty late in my life even though, I’d always been the quintessential dreamer of the family. According to a job-related personality test, I had to take, and it turns out I’m an INTP. The profile that comes with that type reads like my resumé and living inside my own head comes with the territory.

Back in 2014, I picked up reading again, which eventually led to writing. I consider Brooklyn, Wheels and Zombies my first book, although there is a not to be named unpublished novel sitting on the hard drive of my Mac.

Most of my work is fast-paced action & adventure, but I have been known to dip a toe into some of the other genres. Behind the Glass is an example of that. Sometimes you just can’t stop the inner-creative in you.

One day, I hope to turn writing into my dream job, because… I mean… creating worlds, characters, and stories, who wouldn’t wanna do that!

You can find me on most of the social media platforms although it doesn’t come naturally to me. On those places, I’m not that great at creating content, but notifications are on and if you’d like to reach out, I’d love to hear from you.